June 13-15, 2023
Sean Kaufman is the CEO and Founding Partner of Safer Behaviors. He has over 25 years of infectious disease experience and his professional highlights include authoring a book titled Prepare and Protect: Safer Behaviors in Laboratory and Clinical Settings (2020); ensuring workforce preparedness and containment compliance the clinical treatment of Ebola in the United States; Congressional Testimony at the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee - CDC Anthrax Laboratory Incident; grief coaching sessions for Malaysian Airlines (MH370) Crew Family Members; Founder of the Leadership Institute for Biosafety Professionals; Honor Award from the National Center for Infectious Diseases at the CDC; three Distinguished Service Awards for efforts related to the SARS outbreak, Anthrax Attacks, and September 11th response efforts from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Tuesday - June 13, 2023 @ 2:30 - 3:30
Auditorium, 3rd Floor
[1] Biosafety Cabinet 101 - Safe Practices | SIMULATION EXERCISE
0800 - 0850 | 3rd Floor, Pilot Plant
Having access to a biosafety cabinet is one thing, but failing to use the cabinet properly increases overall risk to laboratory staff. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to differentiate biosafety cabinet types, discuss placement and certification requirements for BSCs, and demonstrate safer strategies for working in the biosafety cabinet.
[2] Chemical Fume Hoods 101 - Safe Practices | SIMULATION EXERCISE
0900 - 0950 | 3rd Floor, Pilot Plant
Can you identify the physical components and functional properties of chemical fume hoods? Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to list the factors that affect fume hood airflow, describe a process for preparing for, working in, and completing work within a fume hood.
[3] Biosafety Cabinet 102 - Emergency Response | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1000 - 1050 | 3rd Floor, Pilot Plant
What happens when a spill, power outage, or cut happens in the BSC? Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to demonstrate an effective response to several emergency situations which can occur inside the biosafety cabinet.
[4] Chemical Fume Hoods 102 - Emergency Response | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1100 - 1150 | 3rd Floor, Pilot Plant
What happens if the power fails or a fire starts in a chemical fume hood? Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to demonstrate responses to several emergency response situations within the chemical fume hood.
[5] Donning and Doffing PPE | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1200 - 1250 | Conference Room 2006, 2nd Floor
Having PPE alone does not protect a person - how someone puts it on and takes it off is the largest determinant of success specific to PPE. Upon completion of this program, participants will be demonstrate effective techniques for donning and doffing a variety of PPE.
[6] Donning and Doffing PPE | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1300 - 1350 | Conference Room 2006, 2nd Floor
Having PPE alone does not protect a person - how someone puts it on and takes it off is the largest determinant of success specific to PPE. Upon completion of this program, participants will be demonstrate effective techniques for donning and doffing a variety of PPE.
[7] Emergency Response Situations | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1400 - 1450 | Conference Room 2006, 2nd Floor
If one is reading rather than responding during an emergency situation, they were not prepared. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able demonstrate an emergency response to needle-sticks, spills, and unconscious individuals.
[8] Emergency Response Situations | SIMULATION EXERCISE
1500 - 1550 | Conference Room 2006, 2nd Floor
If one is reading rather than responding during an emergency situation, they were not prepared. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able demonstrate an emergency response to needle-sticks, spills, and unconscious individuals.
[9] Risk Management IQ | LECTURE
0800 - 0850 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
What you know and how you integrate what you know in the workplace is a determinant of professional success. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to describe components of emotional, behavioral, and biorisk management intelligence. Participants will be able to immediately implement these strategies upon returning to the workplace.
[10] Addressing Human Risk Factors | LECTURE
0900 - 0950 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
When we work in a laboratory, we are not alone and do not work in a safety bubble. What others do around you has an impact on your overall health and safety. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to differentiate list several human risk factors, discuss controls for human risk factors, and implement strategies which minimize residual risk factors.
[11] Continuous Risk Assessment and Situational Awareness | LECTURE
1000 - 1050 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
When we cross the street - we look both ways every single time and when we enter a laboratory - we should be identifying hazards and assessing risks every single time as well. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able discuss the importance of continuous risk assessment, define laboratory situational awareness, and list the stages of OODA loop.
[12] The Value of Good Standard Operating Procedures | LECTURE
1100 - 1150 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Standard operating procedures must be evaluated, validated, and verified to be effective. Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to discuss the importance of an SOP, evaluate, validate, and verify existing standard operating procedures.
[13] Effective Training Strategies in Risk Management | LECTURE
1200 - 1250 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Are all trainings effective and beneficial? Upon completion of this program, participants will utilize a variety of training strategies which utilize behavioral sciences to ensure competency among laboratory staff.
[14] Effective Onboarding and Offboarding Strategies | LECTURE
1300 - 1350 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Developing and sustaining an effective safety culture starts with how we bring staff into the institution. Risks and liabilities can be controlled with effective offboarding strategies. Upon completion of this program, participants will describe processes for ensuring an onboarding and offboarding process which fosters and sustains an effective culture of safety.
[15] Leading Indicators for Safety Success | LECTURE
1400 - 1450 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Safety is not just measured by the reduction of incidents (lagging indicators). Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to discuss several leading indicators of safety success in the laboratory and implement strategies aimed at increasing a safety culture.
[16] Project Planning and Risk Anticipation | LECTURE
1500 - 1550 | Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Are you planning your project and looking at what can be done ahead of time to control for risk? Upon completion of this program, participants will list the seven steps of successful project planning and steps for mitigating project risks before even starting.
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